Christmas This Year Series
4 Week Christmas Series
Christmas This Year is a 4 week series that will help you transform the way your students look at Christmas. They will no longer be focused on themselves and all the gifts for this year, but will be challenge through games , teaching and small groups to evaluate their attitude towards Christmas. We will look at Mary, Joseph and even the words of Paul to see what attitude we should have this Christmas.
Note: You will be emailed a link to download the series after purchase.
Lesson Includes:
- Editable lesson in Word Document and PDF. You get to choose which one works best for you. Edit as needed and easily share with your volunteers.
- Complete PowerPoint slides.
- Artwork that you can use for promotional purposes (flyer, web banner, handout, etc.)
The format of the lesson:
- Opening game – because junior highers have tons of energy
- Teaching
- Small group discussion questions
Overview: Week 1: Mary is having a baby! Luke 1:26-38 Week 2: Be Like Jesus! Philippians 2:5-11 Week 3: Here He Comes! Luke 2:1-7 Week 4: How should we respond to Jesus! Luke 2:8-20