As I have told you before I love my job.  I love being able to work with Junior High students all the time.  I love seeing their lives change when they come to understand who Jesus really is and what He did for them.  I love that they can run, play, laugh and cry.  I love that they will once in awhile say the nicest and most profound things.  I love that even at their young age they can challenge me with questions.  I truly enjoy all of the time that I get to spend with them.

Then there are those other times that we try to avoid talking about.  Every now and then I just feel like junior high students are trying to attack me.  I feel like they are coming at me from every direction.  I feel like they won’t listen, won’t read their Bible, and basically don’t care about anything I have to say.

It is in these times that I realize that I need to look inside myself.  I need to check myself to see what is really bugging me.  Many times it is the simple fact that I need to get away and relax for awhile.  This week I took a few days off from work while my children were on spring break.  My only goal is to rest and relax with my family.

I would challenge you to make sure you find time to rest, relax, and retreat.  For some of you this may mean taking vacation time.  Others may just need to take an afternoon off.  Some of us may just need to sleep for a day.  Whatever you, your body, and most importantly your Spirit needs, make sure you do it.  Find the time to give your body the rest it needs, so that you will be more prepared to point students to Jesus.

Do it now!