We just released a brand new 8-week junior high series challenging students to take the adventure of following Jesus. It’s called…
Since this is a brand new series…everyone who purchases it now through Friday, November 18 gets a $200 gift card to our junior high store!
Pretty cool 🙂
This series is written by Mike Sheley, a long-time junior high pastor whose in the trenches of youth ministry just like you 🙂
Here’s an overview of the series:
Lesson 1: Go…Make Disciples…Baptize…Teach
Bible: John 20:30-31; Matthew 28:18-20; Deuteronomy 6:4-7
Bottom Line: Read the Bible to know and follow Jesus.
Question: Are you ready for the adventure of obeying Jesus command?
Lesson 2: Introductions
Bible: John 1:29-42; Leviticus 14; Acts 2:14-41
Bottom Line: Decide to follow Jesus and then help others to do so.
Question: Are you ready to follow Jesus? Who can you introduce to Jesus?
Lesson 3: From Fans to Followers
Bible: Luke 5:1-11
Bottom Line: Expect the unexpected with Jesus.
Question: What will you leave behind to follow Jesus?
Lesson 4: The Anointed One
Bible: Matthew 16:13-18
Bottom Line: Jesus is the Anointed One.
Question: Who do you say Jesus is?
Lesson 5: Receive and Give Forgiveness
Bible: John 21Bottom Line: Jesus offers forgiveness.
Questions: Will you accept His gift? Are you offering it to others?
Lesson 6: Following Jesus – No matter what
Bible: Acts 6-7
Bottom Line: Some people, like Stephen, end up dying because they follow Jesus.
Big Question: Will you pray for modern day Stephens? Do you have the courage to be like him?
Lesson 7: God Loves…Those People?!
Bible: Acts 10:24-48
Bottom Line: God works beyond our comfort zones to spread His good news to all people.
Question: God loves all people…and offers grace. What about you?
Lesson 8: Prison, Death, Prayer and…
Bible: Acts 12
Bottom Line: Following Jesus can mean being thrown in prison or even being killed.
Question: Are you committed to Jesus and His church?
In addition to this series, we’ve got a lot of series for Thanksgiving and Christmas as well.
Use the $200 gift card you get with buying this series to load up on everything you need for the holidays 🙂
Hope you have a great day!
The Junior High Ministry Team