This weekend I was able to attend an amazing Concert with some awesome friends.  We went to Winter Jam on Saturday Night.  It was an interesting night for us because they call it Winter Jam, but the weather was 65 – 70 degrees outside.  That is definitely my kind of winter.Also a mother of one of our Junior High Students was the volunteer coordinator for the event this year, so we had several  people just volunteering and not participating in the concert.

We were blessed to worship with some amazing artists.  Building 429, Peter Furler, and Skillet were some of my personal favorites of the night. Several junior high students and their families attended. My son was telling me about his favorite part (he is 6), and he said it was Building 429, Skillet, and Nick Hall (the speaker).  I thought it was cool that the speaker was powerful enough to reach us all.  God uses people in amazing ways.

We advertised this as an event for families to attend since it only cost $10 and only 30 minutes from our church.  I saw this as a great opportunity for families to experience this together.  The response was awesome, and everybody seemed to really enjoy the evening.

I had several parents talk to me about the event when it was over.  They talked about how many of the bands reminded them of non-Christian bands that they listen to all the time.  This was a great chance for me to talk about the difference Christian music can make in their lives and the lives of their junior high students.

Music is a powerful tool that the world uses to fill our minds with their agenda and worldview.  We have to be careful not only what we put into our minds and hearts, but we also have to really think about what our students listen too.

A few weeks ago I was speaking to a pastor about an upcoming concert/event I am working on.  We were talking about the plans and the timing of the event and I told him we were hosting Jamie Grace and her mom for part of this event.  His response was, “Who is Jamie Grace?”  I understand that not every person will like every Christian artist, but we need to be aware of what is going on.  How can we expect our students to know about Christian music if we don’t share it with them or even listen to it ourselves?

I work hard to make sure I know about all different types of music because we have students that listen to things that I have never heard of.  Once great resource I would share with you for Christian Music is interlinc.  They have a program called YLO that gives you the opportunity to receive a variety of Christian Music at a reasonable price.

Christian music is a valuable tool that I use in ministry to Junior High Students and their families, and I hope you will evaluate your time, budget, and need to see that it can be a great asset for you as well.  How do you use Christian music?