I’ve had some times when I have felt like students just weren’t getting it. I’ve wondered if I was loosing effectiveness or missing the mark. I have often been disappointed in the progress of our junior high ministry. But I sense that I am not alone.

As junior high leaders, we face disappointments fairly often. We face times when somebody makes a choice that just doesn’t make any sense from a Christian perspective or when our students seem so far away from God. How do we face disappointment when it comes our way?

The idea of “priming the pump” might be helpful. Back in the olden days there were manual well pumps.  In order to get the water flowing. sometimes you had to prime it by pouring some water into the pump.  You have to get water moving before it can flow in the right direction.

This is the way it works with our students as well. We have to prime the pump in their lives. We have to be consistent  in our communication of the Gospel. I have to admit it always concerns me when I hear somebody talk about their yearly evangelistic series. If we only speak about such things once a year, then how can we expect students to see a need to make a life long commitment for Christ?

We must be consistent and prime the pump. Even when students seem to be struggling to connect or disinterested, we must continue communicating the hope we have in Jesus.  The method will change, but the message will stay the same. Continue to prime the pump in our students lives. Keep the message going and eventually it will get there motor running.  Once their motor gets running, then hold on because there is no stopping them.

When students really get going and sharing the Gospel with each other, our job gets fun. Keep priming the pump wherever they are at.  If we stay focused and see the goal then we can fight through even the toughest of times.

If you are facing tough times then don’t give up.  Focus on a relationship with Jesus and prime the pump!