How do you stay connected in Junior High Ministry?

The Life of a Junior High youth worker can be extremely frustrating when it comes to staying connected.  We have to connect to students, parents, our volunteers, our church, and other youth ministers.  It can be overwhelming to try to juggle it all.

I can tell you right now that I am organizing a camp for next weekend.  I just helped kick off a small group campaign for our church.  I got to preach to the adults on Sunday.  I have a CIY event in a couple of weeks.  I am working on a marriage retreat and decision weekend for our church, and we are revamping our bulletin, newsletter and website.  Let me tell you communication and connection are definitely a top priority for me right now.

You’ve been there before.  You work all day answering emails, texts, Facebook messages, and calls just to get home and keep on doing the same thing.  It is difficult to stay connected to everyone you need to communicate with.

I would challenge you to prioritize your communication.  Maybe you need to schedule communication.  Scheduling this time makes it a priority and also gives you time to accomplish what is most important.  Here are some areas you might want to schedule:

  • Facebook/Twitter Time (limit your time)
  • Emails (schedule time 1 or 2 times a day to read and follow-up)
  • Phone Calls (as necessary, choose an appropriate time of day)
  • In office Communication (schedule time to chat with co-workers about ministry)
  • Blogs (plan time to investigate new strategies and best practices)
  • Prayer (yes….schedule some specific prayer time with God)

These things may seem basic to you, but if you don’t schedule time for connection and communication then it can be extremely overwhelming.  Don’t exhaust yourself trying to keep up, instead be proactive and plan ahead!

What do you think?  How do you plan and schedule your connection and communication?  I would love to hear your comments!

One Reply to “Staying Connected in Junior High MInistry”

  1. Benjamin Woods

    I’m super pumped that you are blogging man! Thanks for being the resource that you are and encouraging leaders to be intentional! And tell all those crazy 2nd Church Jr Highers that I’m a fan of them…and you!

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