I had a conversation with a student the other day that was quite familiar.  While speaking to April (that’s what we’ll call her), she told me that over the past several months things had happened that had changed her life. She was experiencing a lot of change, which is common in the junior high years, and it was affecting her self-esteen.

April is a girl that has come to our church for several years.  She is probably like many girls in your ministry.  She has what would be called a self esteem problem. Somebody or something has convinced her that she does not have value in this world and it has caused her to be depressed. She worries about the way she looks.  She thinks she isn’t smart enough.  She even thinks that her parents don’t love her at times.

Sometimes it is difficult for me to talk to April because she is so negative about everything. I keep pointing her to the Bible and what God says about her value and importance. We look up scriptures that show her how much God loves her. We talk about people who have showed her love. We talk about the acceptance and community she can feel at church if she would just open up a little bit. We talk about how she can find acceptance and value in her relationship with God. But for some time, April has been unwilling to open her mind or heart to God.

Recently April had a moment of change happen in her life.  This moment can be different for any student.  It can happen at home.  It can happen on a ministry trip.  It can even happen with friends at school.  April came to a point and time where she realized that her value came from God.  She was a child of God and she was created in His image.  She began to study the Bible and it transformed her life.

April now feels value in her life. She feels unique and beautiful. She wants to talk to friends and family about her relationship with God, and she wants to introduce them to Jesus. She understands that God has a great plan for her, and she just needs to continue to seek His guidance.  April’s life was changed by God.  She now understands what true joy is in a relationship with Him.  She has always believed in God, but now she wants to know and follow Jesus.

April is an incredible testimony of how God can move in Junior High Student’s lives.  We must be persistent and not give up on these students.  Students will go through many changes and emotions throughout their Junior High years.  We must be consistent with our message and our love.

Where are your students at?  I would love to hear a story or testimony of how God is working in the lives of your Junior High Students. Leave a comment and let me know!!