Working with Junior High Students is an amazing opportunity.  I must admit that I am so thankful to have the opportunity to work with them.  Not only do I get to talk and hang out with them, but I get to be there when they get “IT”!  There is nothing like teaching a lesson or leading a small group and having a student get “IT”!

I will be the first to admit that over the years there have been things about Junior High Students that have drove me crazy or upset me, but I see that no matter what age you work with.  These students are moveable, shape-able, fragile, strong, bold, honest, and mature (I can’t believe I said that either, but it is true in some settings).  The conversations I get to have with students even if they are short can be more important than anything I teach from in front of a class.

I love speaking to a large group.  I love sharing something the students can relate too.   I love doing an activity the students get excited about.  I love my job, but there is one thing that goes above and beyond everything else.  Spending time just laughing and talking to Junior High Students brings joy to my life.  I get the chance to see what a student is really thinking about, or how they really feel.  I lead a Small Group for some of our Junior High Students at church, and I cannot tell you of a better time to get to know them and communicate with them.

During that time students will open up and ask questions, they will laugh out loud, and they will talk about ideas they have for ministry.

My challenge to you would be to find your opportunity to truly connect with a group of students.  Find a chance to listen to them talk.  Find a time for them to figure things out and tell you about it.   For me this is Joy.  This is when I feel the best because students are growing.

You may be in a church where you don’t have small groups, or your entire group is a small group.  Whatever the size of your group you should find a chance to sit and listen to your students.  They will amaze you.

Find your time….and tell us about it.  What part of Junior High Ministry brings joy to your life?  Share your story with us in the comments section below.