ReflectionWe want people to see Jesus through our students.  We try to reflect the image of Jesus in our own lives so that people can meet Jesus through us.  We want to be their introduction to Him.

Our students can do a great job of reflecting Jesus to the people around them.  One of the big ways they do this is by acting in love.  Jesus loves us and died for our sins.  When we love others and meet their needs this is our opportunity to reflect Jesus to them.

One of our big goals as pastors, leaders, and volunteers is to help our students know how to reflect Jesus.  There is nothing better for me than to hear about or see for myself a time when my student shares Jesus with somebody by showing him or her His love!

What happens when our students reflect somebody other than Jesus?

Our students have a great opportunity to reflect the biggest influence in their lives.  If his or her biggest influence is Jesus then we are good, but what if it is somebody else?  What if a student’s biggest influence is a singer or performer that doesn’t show the love of Jesus?

Our students have to make a choice between being like Jesus or being like some other influence in their life.

A student who is reflecting the image of somebody other than Jesus may have a supreme focus on money, material things, or personal satisfaction.  These self-centered motives are not the ones Jesus has shown and taught us.  We have to help them see what image they are reflecting and where their focus should be.

We all like to teach about Jesus, and I am guessing we could all communicate to our students about how we are to reflect His image.

There is one other thing I would like us to think about.  What if our students are a reflection of us?  What would they look like?  How would they act?

Our goal is to point people to Jesus and have them reflect His image, but if they do get caught up on us then I would hope that they would be headed in the right direction.

Make sure you are reflecting Jesus, so that your students will see Jesus in you!