In ministry many times we are faced with this question.  Where do we go from here?  There are times when you have students that are having conversations with other students about Jesus and that is awesome.  Then there are students that are talking about taking the next step in starting a relationship with Jesus.  There are also the students that are planning ways to act like they have a relationship with Jesus just to make somebody else happy.   We can’t forget the people that come because there are donuts or Mt. Dew.

We have an interesting group of people involved in our ministries, and I have only scratched the surface of it.  So where do we go from here?

We have been called to guide and lead a Jr. High/Middle School ministry as a staff member or volunteer.   We know that we are to help see how they can build a relationship with Jesus and tell others about Him, but where do we go from here?

What is the next step we need to take?

What do we need to focus on?

Do we need to spend time with students or adult leaders?

Do I need to talk about topics or just study books of the Bible?

Do I dress like the kids or dress like my senior pastor?

These are all questions that junior high youth workers have dealt with for a long time, and we are left to figure the answer out for ourselves. I think we can all benefit from realizing something very simple.

In Matthew 28 Jesus gives us what is called The Great Commission.  This is what he tells us.

“I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. 19 Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations,baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. 20 Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

Jesus says that we are to go an make disciples.  We all get that, but there are two things I think we miss sometimes in this scripture.

1.  He tells us what but not how.

Jesus tells us to make disciples, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, but he doesn’t tell us how we should go about doing that.  He doesn’t say use loud music, free Mt. Dew, and video games.  He doesn’t focus on methods.  He cares about the message we present.

2.  Make disciples then teach them to obey.

Jesus doesn’t expect people to be perfect when they come to know Him.  He wants people to accept Him as Lord, and then work on their imperfections.  This is extremely important for junior high students to understand because if they think they have to be perfect before they accept Jesus then they are doomed.  I love working with students, but you have to clearly explain these important issues to them, and help them have a clear understanding to make a good decision.

We are blessed to minister with these students, and you still may be wondering “Where do we go from here?”  Here is my answer.  Let God lead you.  Focus on making disciples and see what fits your situations when it comes to the method you do it.  Don’t be afraid to try and don’t be afraid to fail.  Take a chance on making disciples.